4u4life Hypnotherapy
Our Services
D McCarthy Dip.Hyp.GQHP.GHR.Reg.
Registered with The General Hypnotherapy Register &
The Hypnotherapy Association
Fully Insured
Call: 07920 774332
Our Services
D McCarthy Dip.Hyp.GQHP.GHR.Reg.
Registered with The General Hypnotherapy Register &
The Hypnotherapy Association
Fully Insured
Call: 07920 774332
Is it time for you to break free from what’s holding you back?
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07920 774332
Hypnotherapy Services
Are Your Habits Out Of Control?
Weight?… Smoking?… Alcohol?… Worrying?… Depressed?
Wonder why you are still doing this when you have
tried everything to stop it?
The way the mind works is a very efficient system. Basically it learns in two ways. Either through a repetitive, continuous response such as when smoking or biting nails or even eating too much.
At first it isn’t natural, it may be bought on by anxiety or other exceptional circumstances and can even be quite uncomfortable. We are though, consciously doing it, for whatever reason.
If we keep on doing it, the same as when we practice something new, eventually we do the task without thinking about it any more. This is when our subconscious mind takes over, effectively we are doing it from then on automatically. The brain thinks if we keep doing the behaviour even though logically we shouldn’t, it must be important to our well being and so makes it a habit.
The other way the mind learns is instantly with an emotional reaction. This can account for fear of spiders, heights, exam nerves, public speaking etc. Maybe a very embarrassing or scary event in the past created an instant, strong emotional response. This event may not even be remembered now, but every time a similar situation arises the old emotional response is repeated.
So because we have either continued to do something regularly, or we have had a strong emotional imprint, the response has become a program installed and running in the brain. No different to learning to ride a bike, driving a car, etc. But like an installed program it will continue to run whether it is useful, like not forgetting how to swim in the middle of a river, or outdated, inappropriate and no longer needed, until it is uninstalled in the correct way.
David’s article on Phobias in the Evening Echo newspaper (Opens in new window)
More information on phobias HERE
Subconscious Programming
Using the comparison of a computer, trying to use conscious willpower to break a subconscious habit is like shouting at your computer to stop running a program. It will just ignore you until someone who knows how, clicks the button marked ‘uninstall?’ Hypnotherapy may be able to uncover and ‘uninstall’ your program and you won’t necessarily ever have to consciously know what caused it.
Medical consequences of Obesity HERE
New Scientist article discussing Hypnosis as the most effective treatment to stop smoking HERE
The responsibilities of life can sometimes be too much to bear. Mounting debt, family commitments, a hectic life with more and more things to get done, can lead to sleepless nights and strained relationships. It is usually our loved ones that bare the brunt of our increasing frustrations, and then the guilt kicks in!
Or are you suffering from excessive stress at work that you cannot handle? Do you find it difficult to admit to being stressed? You may be afraid that your boss will see it as a sign of weakness, a sign that you cannot do the job properly. The worry this causes forms a vicious circle that just makes an already very stressful situation even more intolerable.
We can help you cope with life in a much more relaxed way, before you reach breaking point.
Have you been diagnosed with IBS, Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Tried everything else and nothing seems to help? Hypnotherapy can help ease your IBS symptoms.
Various studies have proved this. For example, a large scale audit of hypnotherapy and IBS was carried out by Wendy M Consalkorale Ph.D., L. Houghton Ph.D., P. Whorwell M.D. F.R.C.P. from the Department of Medicine, University Hospital of South Manchester, Manchester, UK.
Gut-directed hypnotherapy has been demonstrated to alleviate symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and improve quality of life when delivered in specialist centres. The study below reports the first attempt to assess the effectiveness of gut-directed hypnotherapy in the [NHS] primary care management of patients. This piece also adds to the debate around the evaluation of complementary therapies within conventional healthcare settings.
Are you having difficulty in conceiving? Have you gone through all the necessary medical checks and there is no medical reason for infertility? In such cases, Hypnotherapy can increase the rates of conception and decrease levels of depression, anxiety and anger. Hypnotherapy can also help increase your chances of success with IVF.
Hypnosis ‘Doubles IVF Success’
Hypnosis can double the success of IVF treatment by helping women to relax, say researchers.
Read the full BBC article HERE
Are you expecting a baby and concerned about the birthing process? Did you have a previous painful or difficult delivery? In this country we tend to make child birth medical rather than natural, which reinforces the view that childbirth is a medical emergency rather than a natural process for which the female body was designed. This in turn causes fear, leading to tension, which hinders the whole process and ultimately leads to unnecessary pain and medical intervention.
Various studies** prove that hypnotherapy for childbirth can:
Lower rates of medication · Shorten labour · Lessen intervention, eg c-section and forceps · Lessen discomforts associated with pregnancy, eg heartburn and morning sickness
** For some more information and scientific research on the efficacy of Hypnotherapy for infertility and childbirth, click on these two links HERE and HERE
Have you suffered loss and need help to cope? Whether it is death of a loved one or pet, ending of a relationship, loss of employment, or something else, hypnotherapy can help you come to terms with the loss and move on in your life for a brighter tomorrow.
This page is a very brief summary of some of the things Hypnotherapy is very effective with.
Please get in touch to discuss your particular circumstances. I am a very good listener!
CALL: 07920 774332
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